Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's Electric!

Electricity is amazing. It's still like magic to me... I just don't really understand it. I mean, I know the basics of it, and passed my certification on all the little parts when I worked at Radio Shack, but I still don't truly understand it. But I sure am grateful for it. Although, when we were buying the wire, I did for a moment wonder if candles were really all that bad. Electrical wire is expensive! 

The labor, however, is completely free. Jack is really good at electrifying, and our friend Caleb, who was in town over Memorial Day for a conference we all went to, is an actual honest-to-goodness electrician. He very generously gave us hours of his time the day after the conference before he had to head back to South Carolina. He and Jack figured it all out and installed a lot of the framework, and Jack is finishing it up. We are adding two 220 circuits, one for the washer/dryer (which we're installing upstairs) and one for Jack's welder in the shop. We're also adding two more regular circuits for all the tools in the shop, and for our extra freezer and extra fridge in the basement. He's also putting all the ceiling fans on double switches, one for the light and one for the fan, and putting smoke detectors in each room.

While these two whizzes ran wires all through the walls, I and our other good friend John (whom we call Li'l J) continued with the de-molding process. Li'l J pulled more orangutan action swinging all over the attic to spray the mold. We also de-nailed all the old plywood from the roof, to reuse as the attic floor. 

Where would we be without friends? You two are the best. Thank you SO much for being willing to spend you free time helping us. We are so grateful! 

Caleb demonstrating how not to be a good electrician:

When things go wrong, you can end up with this: these wire fused themselves together when a line Jack thought was not, was hot. Yeah, that one stopped my heart for a few seconds.

Electrical supplies: $290 (Retail $363, used 20% off coupon)

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