Saturday, August 21, 2010

Chair rail!

In case anybody wondered from previous pictures, no, we weren't trying to pioneer a new painting technique with our hallway. We just hadn't gotten to the chair rail yet. It's done now, and looking, if I do say so myself, very nice. It looks too simple to warrant its own post, but it actually require a number of steps: cut it, install it, fill the nail holes, caulk the edges, give it two coats of paint, then cut in below (two coats) and above (two coats). It took me awhile. We're really happy with it though -- yeah, it was a little more work, but it's one of those things that we feel makes the house look more high-end than if we'd just done one color. It's a cheap way to add architectural interest!

(And did you notice the sneak peak of the bathroom in there? More coming on that soon!) 

Cost: chair rail: at Home Depot with coupon: $32

1 comment:

  1. Oh I cannot WAIT to see this house in person!! It looks absolutely fabulous! You guys are amazing. Love you!!
